Craig Bennett

Hi, I'm Craig.
I am a full-stack developer.

About Me

Craig Bennett

I am a full-stack developer with a background in translation, working cross culturally in the South Pacific. I have a M.A. degree with a certificate in linguistics. I have recently attained a certificate in full stack development from Vanderbilt University’s coding bootcamp. I am skilled in HTML, CSS (Bootstrap, Bulma), JavaScript, and jQuery. My work as a linguist required a high degree of adaptability and a strong attention to detail. I have experience managing multiple projects and teams. I work hard and strive for excellence in everything that I do. In my previous work, I was constantly faced with new and challenging issues that required creative problem-solving skills and a focus on consumer impact. These same skills serve me well when it comes to meeting client expectations for their web needs.

When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, hiking, fishing, gaming, and practicing martial arts.

I am ready to apply my skills and tenacity to help you solve your web problems.

My Work

SLP Goalden

Node MySQL

An app designed to help speech language pathologists keep track of student goals and goal progress. It utilizes a MySQL database and Handlebars templating engine. Built with Node, MySQL, Sequelize, Express, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Weather Dashboard

HTML CSS(Bootstrap)
Javascript jQuery

A simple weather app to get your current weather and five day forecast for the city of your choosing. It utilizes API calls, local storage, and DOM manipulation. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Off the Beaten Path

Javascript jQuery

An app that allows you to search for hiking trails near a location. It utilizes API calls, local storage, and DOM manipulation. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Roster Gen

Node CSS(Bulma)

A node.js app that generates a company team roster based on user input. It utilizes Inquirer prompts through the command line to get user input for HTML generation. Built with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

SLP Reach


A tool for speech language pathologists to track their students' speech goal progress. It utilizes DOM manipulation and creates a JSON database that is stored with localStorage. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.